Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II

If you want the world in 1962 alone produced 10 of the Rolls-Royce - Silver Cloud Ⅱ open-generation home, you need to pay at least 15,000,000 yuan price! And the large number of buyers but also with high auction. She bought you this will be the biggest winner in Guangzhou Motor Show ... in 1962 ... the production of sliver cloud Ⅱ Silver Cloud's, champagne top with light gray body, the Royal protocol level Extended Edition, by generous interior space, And equipped with electric power windows and the insulation of windows. Since the Silver Cloud Ⅱ generation, the installation of exhaust 6250CC the V8 engine horsepower stronger than a generation. This is this the world's only production of the 10 original direction of the left-Extended Edition sliver cloud silver cloud Ⅱ generation, the value of the collection is self-evident.
如果想把1962年全球仅生产过10部的劳斯莱斯-银云Ⅱ代开回家,那你就需要付出至少1500万元人民币的代价!而且还得和众多买家一同竞拍高下。买下她,你将成为本届广州车展最大的赢家……1962年生产的sliver cloud银云Ⅱ代,香槟色顶面,配浅灰色的车身,皇家礼宾级加长版,乘坐室内空间宽大,并装有电动隔音玻璃及电动车窗。自银云Ⅱ代起,加装了排气量6250CC的V8发动机,马力较1代更加强劲。这对于这部全球仅生产了10部的原装左方向加长版sliver cloud银云Ⅱ代,其收藏价值不言而喻。

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