Saturday, December 6, 2008

To improve the local section "Smart Fortwo" idle with no function

Mercedes-Benz Japan in the "Smart Fortwo" is equipped with non-idling function "micro hybrid drive (mhd)", and in December 2, 2008 listing. Mhd is equipped with the "Smart Fortwo Coupe mhd" and "Smart Fortwo Cabrio mhd" two models. Coupe mhd the price of 1,840,000 yen, Cabrio mhd for 2,130,000 yen (including consumption tax). Japan are the foundation of the Center for the designated energy-saving models, consumers buy cars mhd they could be "no idling car purchase subsidy." In the course of traffic speed and braking down to 8km / h below, mhd engine will automatically stop working. Brake pedal up 0.35 seconds inside the engine will restart. In the parking and so on do not function without idling, through the central instrument cluster (Center Cluster) on the switch to turn off the feature. Through mhd, 10.15 mode fuel up to 23.0km / L, than the original model to increase by 24%. CO2 emissions to 101g/km.

日本梅赛德斯·奔驰在“Smart Fortwo”上配备了无空转功能“micro hybrid drive (mhd)”,并于2008年12月2日上市。配备mhd的是“Smart Fortwo Coupe mhd”和“Smart Fortwo Cabrio mhd”两种车型。Coupe mhd的价格为184万日元,Cabrio mhd为213万日元(含消费税)。均为日本财团法人节能中心的指定车型,消费者在购买mhd车型时可获得“无空转汽车购买补助金”。 在车辆行驶过程中制动而车速降至8km/h以下时,mhd会使发动机自动停止工作。抬起制动踏板0.35秒内发动机会重新启动。在停车等不需要无空转功能时,通过中央仪表群(Center Cluster)上的开关可关闭该功能。通过mhd,10·15模式下的燃效可达到23.0km/L,比原车型提高24%。CO2排量为101g/km。

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