Thursday, November 13, 2008

The new BMW 7 Series BMW 7-Series'2009 picture released

730d entry-model with six straight 3.0L turbocharged diesel engine, the maximum horsepower 245ps, maximum torque 540Nm @ 1750rpm; 0-100km / h speed up the 7.2 seconds, top speed 245km / h, 100 km fuel consumption of 7.2 liters integrated. Main 740i models with turbocharged straight 6 pairs of engines, the largest horsepower 326ps, maximum torque 450Nm; 0-100km / h speed up the 5.9 seconds, 100 km fuel consumption of 9.9 liters integrated. High-end 750i models are equipped with dual-turbocharged 4.4L V8 engine, the maximum horsepower 407ps, peak torque 600Nm @ 1750 ~ 4500rpm; 0-100km / h speed up the 5.2 seconds, 100 km fuel consumption of 11.4 liters integrated; 740i and the 750i very Speed limit at all by e-250km / h. European media sources, BMW will be released later in the V12 engine is equipped with the new 7 Series top model, the model will be equipped with the new ZF eight-speed dual-clutch before the hand from the gear, more details have yet to be BMW's official announcement further.
入门型号730d搭载3.0L直六涡轮增压柴油引擎,最大马力245ps,最大扭力540Nm@1,750rpm;0-100km/h加速7.2秒,极速245km/h,百公里综合油耗7.2升。主打型号740i搭载直六双涡轮增压引擎,最大马力326ps,最大扭力450Nm;0-100km/h加速5.9秒,百公里综合油耗9.9升。高阶型号750i则搭载4.4L V8双涡轮增压引擎,最大马力407ps,扭力峰值600Nm@1,750~4,500rpm;0-100km/h加速5.2秒,百公里综合油耗11.4升;740i与750i的极速皆被电子限速在250km/h。欧洲媒体消息指,宝马会在稍后发布配备V12引擎的新7系顶级型号,该型号将装备全新的ZF八前速双离合手自波箱,更详细资料仍有待宝马官方的进一步公布。

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