Friday, November 28, 2008

The new Mini convertible

The new Mini convertible Mini uphold the essence of the brand, with more and more strong economic engine, optimizing the safety of science and technology, superb chassis technology and more practical configuration, body strength and quality of the assembly rose to a new level. This gives the four mini-kart-like convertible flexible manipulation.
新迷你敞篷车秉承了迷你的品牌精髓,拥有更强劲和更经济的引擎、优化的安全科技、精湛的底盘技术以及更丰富而实用配置,车身强度和装配质量也上升到一个新的高度。这赋予了四座的迷你敞篷车卡丁车般的灵活操控。 The new Mini convertible provides 12 attractive body colors, new materials and processes to strengthen the application of the Mini convertible's unique position. The new automatic air-conditioning system for the first time to provide "open" model in the strong wind blowing when the roof open, so still and the temperature inside the roof closed to keep in line. New music player can also provide seamless connectivity ports, USB access, and Bluetooth-free phone systems.

High-quality fabric roof will enable the crew from wind and rain hit the car, even in the 30km / h speed, the soft-top can in 15 seconds to complete the opening and closing. In order to show that it is a suitable all-weather convertible car, the new Mini convertible a very unique optional tachometer is located next to the special timer to record the driver to open the roof. On both sides of the front row of seats can be folded separately to facilitate access to the back of the crew. Baggage compartment in the roof can be opened to provide 125 liters loading space, the roof when closing up to 170 liters of space, and the rear seat folded, is 660 liters can be achieved.

高品质的织物车顶可以使车内乘员免受风雨侵袭,即使在30km/h的速度下,软顶仍可以在15秒完成开合。为了表明它是一款适合全天候敞篷的汽车,新迷你敞篷车可选装一个十分独特的位于转速表旁边的特殊计时器,记录下驾驶者打开车顶的时间。两侧的前排座椅都能单独折叠,以方便后排乘员的进出。行李舱在车顶打开时可以提供125升的装载空间,车顶合上时空间可达170升,而折叠后排座椅后,更是可以达到660升。 The new Mini convertible is no longer exposed the use of the roll cage, replaced by a single-roll cage in the back seat at the rear, runs through the entire width of the body, hidden in a normal state, will not affect the driver's back when the look-out Line of sight, in case of emergency, can be raised within 150 milliseconds, to protect the safety of the crew.

新迷你敞篷车不再使用外露式的防滚架,取而代之的单一式防滚架位于后排座椅后方,贯穿整个车身宽度,平时处于隐藏状态,不会影响驾驶者的向后了望时的视线,在紧急情况下,可以在150毫秒内升起,保护乘员的安全。 The new Mini convertible will be held next year in the second quarter, the convertible Mini Cooper using the 120-horsepower 1.6 liters naturally aspirated 4-cylinder engine, the Mini Cooper S convertible with the use of turbocharged direct injection technology and the 1.6 liters Engine, maximum power of 174 hp. Compared with the previous models, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 19%. Both engines can be the initial listing standards with 6-speed manual gearbox or the optional 6-speed automatic transmission.

新迷你敞篷车将于明年第二季度上市销售,迷你Cooper敞篷车使用120马力的1.6升自然吸气4气缸引擎,迷你Cooper S敞篷车使用带涡轮增压和直喷技术的的1.6升引擎,最大功率174马力。与以往的车型相比,二氧化碳排放量降低最多达19%。上市初期两款引擎可标准配备6速手动变速箱或选装6速自动变速箱。

Friday, November 14, 2008

Vitra describe Super Series: Hard line to inherit a car race

Suzuki is the main manufacturer of small cars, luxury vehicles is not part of the system, a simple utility vehicles, compact, the firm is well known, the 1980s have four-wheel-drive technology, was introduced three super-version of the Vitra, That time is 0.36 liters displacement, the displacement of small, small vehicles, it is the only time four-wheel-drive Suzuki car line, so far, Super Vitra has developed into the third generation. In the development of super-Vitra, Suzuki has been adhering to cross-country route, however, the rise of the SUV with the city, the third generation of super-Vitra have begun to face the reality, the city SUV to make a certain amount of compromise in order to adapt to Now the general trend of SUV. But the Suzuki brand character has not changed and the Vitra Super Series characteristics have not changed, specifically in Japan, it is still fun for the young car brand. Suzuki vehicles like the Japanese young people, is characterized by limited financial resources, but also look like fun.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The new BMW 7 Series BMW 7-Series'2009 picture released

730d entry-model with six straight 3.0L turbocharged diesel engine, the maximum horsepower 245ps, maximum torque 540Nm @ 1750rpm; 0-100km / h speed up the 7.2 seconds, top speed 245km / h, 100 km fuel consumption of 7.2 liters integrated. Main 740i models with turbocharged straight 6 pairs of engines, the largest horsepower 326ps, maximum torque 450Nm; 0-100km / h speed up the 5.9 seconds, 100 km fuel consumption of 9.9 liters integrated. High-end 750i models are equipped with dual-turbocharged 4.4L V8 engine, the maximum horsepower 407ps, peak torque 600Nm @ 1750 ~ 4500rpm; 0-100km / h speed up the 5.2 seconds, 100 km fuel consumption of 11.4 liters integrated; 740i and the 750i very Speed limit at all by e-250km / h. European media sources, BMW will be released later in the V12 engine is equipped with the new 7 Series top model, the model will be equipped with the new ZF eight-speed dual-clutch before the hand from the gear, more details have yet to be BMW's official announcement further.
入门型号730d搭载3.0L直六涡轮增压柴油引擎,最大马力245ps,最大扭力540Nm@1,750rpm;0-100km/h加速7.2秒,极速245km/h,百公里综合油耗7.2升。主打型号740i搭载直六双涡轮增压引擎,最大马力326ps,最大扭力450Nm;0-100km/h加速5.9秒,百公里综合油耗9.9升。高阶型号750i则搭载4.4L V8双涡轮增压引擎,最大马力407ps,扭力峰值600Nm@1,750~4,500rpm;0-100km/h加速5.2秒,百公里综合油耗11.4升;740i与750i的极速皆被电子限速在250km/h。欧洲媒体消息指,宝马会在稍后发布配备V12引擎的新7系顶级型号,该型号将装备全新的ZF八前速双离合手自波箱,更详细资料仍有待宝马官方的进一步公布。

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Paris Motor Show: Hello, Audi R8

Audi R8 is equipped with a 4.2 liters V8 FSI engine, maximum power 309kW/7800rpm, peak torque of 430N m/4500 ~ 6000rpm, and in 3500 ~ 7600rpm broke out between more than 90% of peak torque, and with the Audi RS4 The same engine
By Odile Mans quattro concept car prototype for the purchase of the Audi R8 super sports car engine production model
And with the engine block 6 with the manual gearbox, configured quattro all-wheel drive system Audi R8 to accelerate from standstill to 100km / h takes only 4.6 seconds, speed to 301km / h Audi R8 super sports car will be held on September 28, 2006 is scheduled to start, the European market is expected to be priced at 98,000 euros

奥迪R8配备了4.2升V8 FSI发动机,最大功率309kW/7800rpm,峰值扭矩430N·m/4500~6000rpm,并且在3500~7600rpm之间能爆发出 90%以上的峰值扭矩,与奥迪RS4搭载的发动机相同