Monday, September 8, 2008


8.2009 Porsche Kaman. Kaman Porsche is the birth and to fill Carrera Boxster Boxster ( Gallery Forum ) The gaps between cars. Not only look for the Carrera and the Boxster to the balance of power is also a perfect convergence. 2.7 Shengping can squeeze out six-cylinder engine to 245 hp.

8. 2009保时捷卡曼.保时捷卡曼的诞生正是为了填补卡雷拉与Boxster(图库 论坛)之间的车型空白。不仅外观取到了卡雷拉与Boxster的平衡,动力方面也完美的进行了衔接。2.7升平列六缸发动机可以榨取出245的马力

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