Monday, September 8, 2008

Audi R8

9.2009 Audi R8 ( Gallery Forum ) (Gallery Forum). Avant-garde fashion design, a reasonable allocation of power and a strong tradition of self - Audi The sophisticated manufacturing process is the Jinzizhaopai R8. R8 to the selected results of the ninth, his cool on lamp for the day and a lot of scores.

9. 2009奥迪R8(图库 论坛)(图库 论坛).前卫时尚的设计,合理强劲的动力配置以及传承自奥迪的精良制造工艺是R8的金字招牌。R8此次以第九名的成绩入选,其超酷的日间行驶灯为其加了不少分数。

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