Monday, September 8, 2008

Alfa Romeo 8 C Competizione Introduce

8C success lies not only look good design, but also because the interior and seek the greatest power in the balance. In carbon fiber cars lying below a front cover from Maserati Aluminum V8 engine, and GranTurismo GranTurismo (Gallery Forum )The use of similar components.

To the power output in 7000 / Time-sharing to achieve the maximum 450 horsepower and peak torque of 470 Newton / m. Intake axle at the constant variable valve timing system, and the combustion chamber and engine optimization adjustment means that 80 percent of the torque to the output in 2000 / low speed at the time to achieve.

Alfa Romeo 8 C Competizione only plans to produce 500, but the Alpha already has more than 1,200 orders, so unless you have to pay advances, or else the opportunity to get the car will be close to zero.

8C成功之处不仅在于外观出色的设计,更是因为在内饰与动力方面求得了最大的平衡。在碳纤维车前盖下面躺着一部源自玛莎拉蒂的铝制V8发动机,和GranTurismo(图库 论坛)所用的部件相似。


阿尔法·罗密欧8C Competizione仅计划生产500部,但阿尔法已经拥有1,200多个订单,所以,除非你已经交纳预付款,否则得到这款车的机会将接近于零


Although called "Competizione", the new Alfa Romeo two-door sports car is more like a GT. 8 C Competizione launch such a high-end models, for any car manufacturers in terms of risk, both with the move, in particular, such as renewable Alfa Romeo brand.
虽然叫做“Competizione”,新款阿尔法罗密欧双门跑车更像是一部GT。推出8C Competizione这样的高端车型,对于任何一个汽车制造商来讲都是具有风险性的举动,尤其是像阿尔法罗密欧这种再生的品牌。

Alfa Romeo 8 C Competizione

1.2009 Alfa Romeo 8 C Competizione. Brand as a model of Italy, Alfa Romeo 8 C Competizione has its own unique design concept and content. It was elected the selection of the model champion is not the least of our expectations.

1. 2009阿尔法·罗密欧8C Competizione.作为一款意大利品牌车型,阿尔法罗密欧8C Competizione有着自己特有的设计理念与内涵。它当选此次评选的状元车型丝毫未出我们意料。

Aston Martin DBS

2.2009 Aston Martin DBS (Gallery Forum ).'s Aston Martin DBS selected so that we truly surprised by this. In this fierce Top10 selection of models, actually have a brand and design of the same two basic models selected at the same time - that this is indeed necessary strength. Its ships with 6.0 L V12 engine, derived from racing technology, the most horsepower to 510.

2. 2009阿斯顿·马丁DBS(图库 论坛).阿斯顿·马丁DBS的入选让我们着实吃惊了一下。因为在这种激烈的Top10车型评选中,居然有一个品牌且设计思路基本一致的两款车型同时入选——这确实需要实力。其搭载的6.0L V12发动机,源自赛车技术,最大马力为510匹。

Maserati GranTurismo

3.2009 Maserati GranTurismo.This is a reserved designed the elegant models. And Aston Martin Compared to his more structured Yingpai, sharp, with the Ferrari 599 GTB (Gallery Forum), the backbone of his lines even more, the atmosphere. President ( Gallery Forum ) This level, Maserati GranTurismo GranTurismo (Gallery Forum ) Absolutely adequate atmosphere

3. 2009玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo.这又是一款极尽内敛优雅的车型。与阿斯顿马丁相比,他的结构更加硬派、犀利,与法拉利599GTB(图库 论坛)相比,他的线条更为骨干、大气。在“总裁(图库 论坛)”这个级别,玛莎拉蒂GranTurismo(图库 论坛)绝对足够大气

Aston Martin V8 Vantage

4.2009 Aston Martin V8 Vantage (Gallery Forum ).The new, 2009Aston Martin V8 Vantage is still a feature of England full double seaters. Its shape Jiang Li, performance excellence. Despite the ergonomic design is not perfect, but it is not clumsy. The Aston Martin sports car cash has become a family similar to the unified design style, elegance and unique.

4. 2009阿斯顿·马丁V8 Vantage(图库 论坛).新的2009款阿斯顿马丁V8 Vantage依旧是一辆英伦特色十足的双人座跑车。它外形靓丽,性能卓越。尽管人体工程学设计并非尽善尽美,但却并不拙劣。现款的阿斯顿·马丁跑车已经形成了一种类似于家族的统一设计风格,优雅而独特。

Pontiac Solstice Coupe

5.2009 Pontiac Solstice(Gallery Forum ) Coupe.The model is the fans of a relatively rare, some fans not familiar with the Pontiac brand. Pontiac and abroad is a very popular brand, with its models, such as the G8 are well received by the fans won. The driving force targeted the car span widely, from 2.0 liters of fuel injection engines to V8 engines are possible equipment.

5. 2009庞蒂亚克Solstice(图库 论坛) Coupe.这款车型是国内车迷们比较少见的一款,有些车迷对庞蒂亚克这个品牌不甚熟悉。而在国外庞蒂亚克是一个很受欢迎的品牌,其旗下的G8等车型都广受车迷的好评。该车的动力配置跨度很大,从2.0升燃油直喷发动机到V8发动机都可能进行装备。

Audi S5

6.2009 Audi S5 ( Gallery Forum ) ) . Audi S5 is Audi A5 ( Gallery Forum ) High-performance version of the model. The reason why Audi S5 can be selected, because not only have a car A5 ( Gallery Forum ) Smooth and harmonious appearance, but also superior in power. Dynamic aspects, S5 using 4.2 liters of high-power eight-cylinder engine, 100 km acceleration time of 5.1 seconds, the electronic speed limit of 250 km / h, with a full-time four-wheel-drive makes S5 easier than in the sharp bends in the more sensitive.

6. 2009奥迪S5(图库 论坛).奥迪S5是奥迪A5(图库 论坛)的高性能版车型。之所以奥迪S5能够入选,是因为该车不仅具备了A5(图库 论坛)流畅和谐的外观,而且动力方面更胜一筹。动力方面,S5使用4.2升的大功率8缸发动机,百公里加速时间为5.1秒,电子限速250km/h,配合全时四轮驱动使得S5在急弯中比想象中更加灵敏。

Mercedes-Benz CLS-class

7.2009 Mercedes-Benz CLS-class (Gallery Forum). When the Mercedes-Benz C-Class (Gallery Forum) LS birth, when many media commented that this is the most elegant cars. This innovative design has won many professional or non-professional car enthusiasts love. CLS is not only popular domestic sales in Germany, in the global auto market have been Repeng.

7. 2009奔驰CLS级(图库 论坛).当奔驰C级(图库 论坛)LS诞生的时候,许多媒体评论说这是有史以来最优雅的汽车。这种创意设计赢得了许多专业或者非专业的汽车爱好者们的喜爱。CLS不仅在德国国内销售火爆,在全球的汽车市场也都受到了热捧。


8.2009 Porsche Kaman. Kaman Porsche is the birth and to fill Carrera Boxster Boxster ( Gallery Forum ) The gaps between cars. Not only look for the Carrera and the Boxster to the balance of power is also a perfect convergence. 2.7 Shengping can squeeze out six-cylinder engine to 245 hp.

8. 2009保时捷卡曼.保时捷卡曼的诞生正是为了填补卡雷拉与Boxster(图库 论坛)之间的车型空白。不仅外观取到了卡雷拉与Boxster的平衡,动力方面也完美的进行了衔接。2.7升平列六缸发动机可以榨取出245的马力

Audi R8

9.2009 Audi R8 ( Gallery Forum ) (Gallery Forum). Avant-garde fashion design, a reasonable allocation of power and a strong tradition of self - Audi The sophisticated manufacturing process is the Jinzizhaopai R8. R8 to the selected results of the ninth, his cool on lamp for the day and a lot of scores.

9. 2009奥迪R8(图库 论坛)(图库 论坛).前卫时尚的设计,合理强劲的动力配置以及传承自奥迪的精良制造工艺是R8的金字招牌。R8此次以第九名的成绩入选,其超酷的日间行驶灯为其加了不少分数。

Lotus Elise

10.2009 Lotus Elise For fans, the eyes of each car represents an image as the most beautiful Nakuan is almost impossible to believe that a unified answer.Specific evaluation criteria: suitable for modification of the popular, Gouku to attract attention and the most important dynamic performance.
10.2009 莲花 Elise 对于车迷们来说,心目中的每款车都代表着一种形象,至于哪款是最漂亮的相信几乎不可能有一个统一的答案。具体的评价标准为:适合改装性、热门、够酷、吸引眼球以及最重要的动力性能。